Personal & Financial Financing

Saturday, January 17, 2009

PPC Management

Try is here OK. Seem to work quicker.

First of all I like the idea of using this for a posting board when our email is on the fritz. Is there a way to make these posts private?

Quick note to us - look into outsourcing our pay per click campaign management with Bonavista Web.

See article I found today on PPC management companies Betty. Please read this through and let me know what you think of these rates.

Bonavista Web
PPC Management Services
Calgary, Alberta, Canada
PPC Management Rates in USD
403 648 3516

Thursday, January 8, 2009

Point Of Exit Methodology - Poem System

I have always had problems with bad anxiety having panic attacks and all around general stress. I see they call it GAD or "General Anxiety Disorder".

I found Jacob Markuson's site and most importantly his "POEM System" which stands for Point of Exit Methodology.

I've tried it and it works really well. Thank you Jacob!

Saturday, January 3, 2009

Finding An Auto Loan In Alberta

Question: I'm looking for an Auto loan in Alberta, is there any reputable online sites for this?

There a few auto loan web sites in Alberta, but for sure I would call this a reputable online auto loan company in Alberta.

Calgary Alberta Canada SEO PPC Services

Question: I'm looking for an SEO company in Canada to handle our online paid advertising. I think it's called PPC. We live in Calgary, Alberta.

Answer: There are a few companies in Alberta that handle online advertising in the form of PPC and one in Calgary that specializes in PPC called Bonavista Web.


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