Personal & Financial Financing

Saturday, November 3, 2007

3 Day Toontown Trial Addiction - Brilliant Disney

Here is a pass along of what our family discovered. Be careful what your kids download and install on their computers! 

Hilarious you know. I had the same thing happen in our home with the 3 Day Disney Toontown trial. We downloaded and our daughter was hooked right away. We ended up subscribing for 3 months until she had let it run it’s course. 

I download the 3 day Disney Toontown trial last week and it was allot of fun. The kids loved it and so did I. Quite addictive I must say. I now have the kids begging me to subscribe to Disney for a chunk of cash per month. Eeeek! Those monthly payments can hurt.

You can download the 3 day trial for Toontown on this site. Be warned though. Once the kids get hooked your going to be “on the hook” for a monthly payment if they get it their way. I’ll sign up for a month or two until the kids get bored with it.

Exactly what happened in our house. Our daughter is finally on to something new. Webkinz.

This is not an online game that your teenagers will really care about, but the little kids are eating it up with a big spoon. You can see all the downloads coming off everyday, as more kids catch on.




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